Thursday 28 May 2015

Meditation: Don't call me

You are my God and I worship you. 
I share my insights into you,
and into our relationship.
I visit your temple, and daily pray to you.

But, my God, let that be enough.
I pray to you: don't call me - 
don't ask me to do more.
Don't set me up to look foolish.

Leave it to the professionals to lead.
I am happy as a follower, happy to snipe
from the borders, happy to talk to just a few
anonymous readers and listeners so that

I can't be blamed if I am wrong,  if they
choose to listen to me when
they could have listened to so many other
crazy religious extremists.

So please - don't call me. I am happy
where I am; safe with no-one relying on me
to share truth, to pronounce doctrine,
to advise on life-style.

Suggestions for meditation
Always begin by offering your time to God: something like "My loving God, I love you with my whole heart and above all things. I give you this time when I am reaching out to you, and ask your blessing" and then a few moments reminding yourself of some of the blessings God has given you - the clear signs of God's love for you.

Read the mediation over slowly a couple of times.

Listen for Jesus' personal message for you.

If you would prefer a traditional Bible reading I suggest (you look up Jonah 1 or) Matthew 21:28-32

“Now, what do you think? There was once a man who had two sons. He went to the older one and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ ‘I don't want to,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. ‘Yes, sir,’ he answered, but he did not go. Which one of the two did what his father wanted?”
“The older one,” they answered.
So Jesus said to them, “I tell you: the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the Kingdom of God ahead of you. For John the Baptist came to you showing you the right path to take, and you would not believe him; but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. Even when you saw this, you did not later change your minds and believe him.
  1. Read this passage or the meditation slowly a couple of times.
  2. What word of phrase jumps out to speak to you?
  3. Why? Try to put yourself into those words. Maybe imagine Jesus speaking, and reply.
  4. Then spend 5, or 10, or 20 minutes with those words, or the words CALLEDYou might want to begin the meditation using the breathing exercise I suggest in We have two minds. After a minute or two focused on your breathing, move your focus to the word/s you have chosen. 
Each time your attention moves away from the word/s, push the distraction gently aside and return to the word ("without the intervention of analytical thought" as The Cloud of Unknowing puts it).

You may need a countdown clock. 

At the end thank God, and return to your day.

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