Friday, 27 February 2015

Meditation: Being of Light

I am a being of light
swelling to fill the skin of my body
shaded beyond the power of senses
but humming the silent hymn of creation.

You are a being of light
invisible to me in the package you wear: 
a body of skin, supported by bones.
I see only the wrapping hiding the light inside.

In moments of beauty
I see hints of the light:
the eyes of a child, the grace of a dancer,
then my soul leaps and soars to your light.

See past the package I wear to conceal
the frightening light of my being.
Touch me again. Feel our light merge and glimpse
God come to Earth again.

Suggestions for meditations
Always begin by offering your time to God: something like "My loving God, I love you with my whole heart and above all things. I give you this time when I am reaching out to you" and then a few moments reminding yourself of some of the blessings God has given you - the clear signs of God's love for you.
Read the mediation over slowly a couple of times.
I try to see the light in people. I sometimes seem to see God looking back at me when I am talking to someone in distress. Think about moments you have seen the extra-ordinary in someone else.
If you would prefer a Bible reading I suggest Luke 24, 30-37.
You can begin the meditation using the breathing exercise I suggest in We have two minds.
Then spend 5, or 10, or 20 minutes with the phrase Spirit am I. Every time you drift off the phrase, gently remind yourself and come back to it ("without the intervention of analytical thought" as The Cloud of Unknowing puts it).
You may need a countdown clock. 

At the end thank God, and return to your day.

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