Friday, 4 March 2016

Pilgrimage to Easter, Day 25

Meditation for Saturday 5 March
... from the readings of the day:


He will come to us like the rain,
like spring rain that waters the earth.

Hosea 6:6

Your gentle rain brings life O Lord.

You made me for greatness, O giver of all gifts,
and that is my task on Earth. I must grow
to the fullness you dreamed, but always know,
never forget, that I do nothing without you.

Your gentle rain brings life O Lord.

Without you I use the heavy blocks of my
beauty, wealth, or ability to build ramparts - low
at first, but eventually high walls where I stand
alone, looking down on all, needing none.

Your gentle rain brings life O Lord.

Needing no-one, I build high dams with earth 
and heavy rocks creating my Eden on Earth,
reducing God's graces to a trickle I control
When the dam bursts, stand clear!

Your gentle rain brings life O Lord.

I am clearly made for greatness, O giver of all gifts,
in your image and daily renewed by the 
gentle soaking rain of your graces and love. 
Guide me to always grow and work in you.

Your gentle rain brings life O Lord.

Suggestions for meditation
Always begin by offering your time to God and asking for the grace to grow closer: something like "My loving God, I love you with my whole heart and above all things. I give you this time as I reach out to you, and ask that you guide me now, and each day, closer to you".

The exact words of the prayer are not important but you do need a firm intention to open yourself to God's input.

Read the mediation over slowly a couple of times.

Listen for the personal message for you. There will always be one word or phrase that will reach into your heart. Think of it as the personal meaning God has for you alone!

If you would prefer a more authoritative reading to focus your meditation, try this from one of today's readings, Luke 18:13-14
But the tax collector stood off at a distance
and would not even raise his eyes to heaven
but beat his breast and prayed,
‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’
I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former;
for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.
Focus on a significant word or phrase in this passage or the meditation for a few moments.

Is there a word of phrase that jumps out to speak to you?

Why? Try to put yourself into those words. Maybe imagine Jesus speaking, and reply.

Then spend 5, or 10, or 15 minutes with your word from Jesus, or the phrase GROW.

You need a clear intention to empty your mind of random thoughts (you won't be entirely successful but you need the intention).

You might want to begin the meditation using the breathing exercise I suggest in We have two minds.

After a minute or two focused on your breathing, move your focus to the word/s you have chosen.

Each time your attention moves away from the word/s, push the distraction gently aside and return to the word ("without the intervention of analytical thought" as The Cloud of Unknowing puts it).

You may need a countdown clock.

At the end thank God, and return to your day.

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