is incredibly larger, infinitely more exciting, than the flesh and blood
vehicle we travel in here. If you read science fiction, the more you read it
the more you realize that you and the universe are part of the same
knows still practically nothing about the real nature of matter, energy,
dimension, or time; and even less about those remarkable things called life and
thought. But whatever the meaning and purpose of this universe, you are a
legitimate part of it.
since you are part of the all that is, part of its purpose, there is more to
you than just this brief speck of existence. You are just a visitor here
in this time and this place, a traveller through it.
Gene Roddenberry (creator of Star Trek)
Gene Roddenberry (creator of Star Trek)
of us believes we are
unique, maybe special, but limited.
maybe we are - but my tutored faith in
my loneliness, aloneness, arises from
a logical examination of observable evidence,
than sensitivity to my intuition!
sense of our limitations
from logic, not fact;
from insecurity,
not certainty.
Logic is limited by reliance on
observable facts,
our apparent singularity, our timidity
and lack of confidence to believe the size of the truth.
and lack of confidence to believe the size of the truth.
Every single atom of our being
from the first explosion
our universe, light and matter created
chaos and progressively growing in order and purpose.
think ourselves members of families, towns, even of countries - but I, in fact, am a citizen of creation.
see ourselves as ordinary, finite and limited;
in fact, every atom of my being is extra-
eternal, and overflowing with the potential
our Creator. We see systems falling apart;
we must also learn to see surges
growth and realisation in our shared awareness.
We are each unlimited and full
of potential unimagined.
We are taught we are flawed and broken;
but our Creator's hand does not make
weak or blemished or cracked.
I am spirit, and a star-born child of Creation.
Suggestions for meditation
Always begin by offering your time to God: something like "My loving God, I love you with my whole heart and above all things. I give you this time when I am reaching out to you" and then a few moments reminding yourself of some of the blessings God has given you - the clear signs of God's love for you.
Read the mediation over slowly a couple of times.
Listen for Jesus' personal message for you.
If you would prefer a Bible reading I suggest Psalm 8, 3-9
Each time your attention moves away from the word/s, push the distraction gently aside and return to the word ("without the intervention of analytical thought" as The Cloud of Unknowing puts it).
You may need a countdown clock.
At the end thank God, and return to your day.
Suggestions for meditation
Always begin by offering your time to God: something like "My loving God, I love you with my whole heart and above all things. I give you this time when I am reaching out to you" and then a few moments reminding yourself of some of the blessings God has given you - the clear signs of God's love for you.
Read the mediation over slowly a couple of times.
Listen for Jesus' personal message for you.
If you would prefer a Bible reading I suggest Psalm 8, 3-9
When I look at the sky, which you have made,at the moon and the stars, which you set in their places—
what are human beings, that you think of them;
mere mortals, that you care for them?Yet you made them inferior only to yourself;
you crowned them with glory and honour.
You appointed them rulers over everything you made;
you placed them over all creation:sheep and cattle, and the wild animals too;
the birds and the fish
and the creatures in the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
your greatness is seen in all the world!
- Read this passage or the meditation slowly a couple of times.
- What word of phrase jumps out to speak to you?
- Why? Try to put yourself into those words. Maybe imagine Jesus speaking, and reply.
- Then spend 5, or 10, or 20 minutes with those words, or the word GLORY. You might want to begin the meditation using the breathing exercise I suggest in We have two minds. After a minute or two focused on your breathing, move your focus to the word/s you have chosen.
You may need a countdown clock.
At the end thank God, and return to your day.
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